Women’s Issues

426871387There’s a lot of pressure on you.

To break generational curses…

Not to disappoint your parents…

Not to embarrass the family…

But what if I told you that your main purpose in this life is to be happy? Sure, you’ll make mistakes, but learning from them is how you’ll gain wisdom and perspective along the way.

That’s how you’ll end up pursuing the things that are meant for you!

There’s often a disconnect…

… between how the world wants you to show up and what feels right to YOU.

You’ve been crushing yourself into tiny pieces, trying to fit into the box society created for you. But you don’t belong in that box.

Society wants you to be small and subservient, but you are meant to be larger as the master of your domain.

This world doesn’t accommodate multifaceted women, so you must stop waiting for permission and take up space anyway.

633209480Let’s talk about YOUR needs and desires.

As women, we are constantly receiving messages about who we should be, what we should care about … even what we desire.

You’ve been taught to be agreeable…

That there are different rules for boys…

That you need a man…

That your sexuality or gender expression is just a phase…

That other women are your competition…

That you should marry and have kids…

That you should be thin but not TOO thin … or thick but not TOO thick…

In all that noise and unsolicited advice, it’s hard to see who you are and what you want out of this life.

I’ll help you find your voice.

Together, we’ll have deep, insightful conversations that get to the root of your truest desires.

You’ll learn to think more critically about your decision-making.

You’ll come to hold compassion and empathy for yourself.

I ask tough questions and push you beyond your comfort zone. You might be surprised at how your comfort zone is actually what’s holding you back or making you miserable.

Facing those truths is what will help you live a happier, more fulfilling life.

You deserve to take up space!

For so long, you’ve valued others’ opinions of you. It’s time to discover and value your opinion of yourself!

At the end of the day, you’re the one who has to live with yourself and your choices.

Doesn’t it make sense to stop and ask what you really want??

I’m here for you. Reach out today, and we can talk more during your free consultation: (708) 292-8339.