Healing Trauma

2003674943Understanding your emotions is key…

… to manifest the life you want and deserve. Yet, we are often disconnected from the emotions that drive us.

We wonder why our relationships do not work out, why our careers aren’t fulfilling, and why we feel alone or cling to people who are not good for us.

If you find yourself cycling through one dissatisfying experience after another, there’s usually something deeper at play.

Burdens we don’t know we carry…

Most people who grew up in Black families didn’t have conversations about their emotions … and certainly didn’t have affirming experiences of their trauma.

You might be oblivious to the childhood experiences you still carry with you today. The traits that you are attracted to, the behaviors you accept, and the level of unhappiness you are willing to endure are all impacted by your past experiences.

Without understanding them, it’s almost impossible to understand yourself…

And if you don’t understand yourself, it’s impossible to make choices and be intentional about satisfying your wants and needs.

Trauma Img 2When you have negative experiences that don’t make sense…

The traumatized part of your brain can trick you into believing that it’s your fault or that you deserved what happened.

And since our thoughts impact our feelings, and our feelings impact our behavior, we start to see the trauma reflected in everything that we do. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Our parents were physically abusive, so we associate at least some level of abuse with love…

Our parents were emotionally distant, so we choose partners who are emotionally distant…

A friend betrayed you, so you adopt the belief that people are not trustworthy…

Perception becomes reality, and when your perception is colored by trauma, your reality becomes retraumatizing over and over again.

Freedom comes from processing past trauma.

And that’s why I’m here. I’ll help you gain the perspective necessary to move past the pain and cultivate a world where you can feel safer and more secure.

The only way to get over something is to go through it. Without processing those emotions, you will meet the same traumatizing people and situations in different bodies and different forms.

You’ll continue to be triggered … until you do something different.

2198497517Therapy is a safe space to put down that heavy weight.

A big part of what I do as a therapist is help you understand how past experiences influence your view of yourself and the world.

Our decision-making is more influenced by our emotional state than our intellect. I am here to help you understand the underlying emotions influencing your choices.

You can’t control what you don’t understand. Let me help you understand your choices and your world a little better.

Lay down some of your burdens…

Let me lighten the load.

If you are ready to explore the parts of your story you’ve been running from…

I’m here for you.

Give me a call. We can start today with your free consultation: (708) 292-8339.